Articles and Policy Briefs
The "Footprint" of Shale Development: Economic, Social, and Environmental Issues
Working Paper Series: A Comprehensive Economic Impact Analysis of Natural Gas Extraction in the Marcellus Shale Susan Riha and Brian G. Rahm December 2010
Working Paper Series: A Comprehensive Economic Impact Analysis of Natural Gas Extraction in the Marcellus Shale Susan Christopherson and Ned Rightor May 2011
Op-Ed in the Albany Times-Union, August 14, 2011 Christopherson, Susan. August 14, 2011. "Hydrofracking a Boom-Bust Endeavor." Perspective section of the Albany (NY) Times Union: B1. Susan Christopherson August 2011
Issues specifically addressed are the social and economic impacts of high volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) proposed for New York. Susan Christopherson January 2012
Expert report prepared for a SEQR Issues Hearing of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation on the socio-economic and employment implications of a proposed liquefied petroleum gas storage and transportation facility near Watkins Glen, NY. Susan Christopherson January 2015
Christopherson, Susan. 2015. "Risks Beyond the Well Pad: The Economic Footprint of Shale Gas Development in the US." Book chapter in The Human and Environmental Impact of Fracking: How Fracturing Shale for Gas Affects Us and Our World, Madelon L. Finkel (ed.). Santa Barbara CA, Denver CO, and Oxford UK: Praeger. Susan Christopherson 2015
How Shale Development Affects Drilling Regions
Working Paper Series: A Comprehensive Economic Impact Analysis of Natural Gas Extraction in the Marcellus Shale C.J. Randall December 2010
Online essay in the Arguments blog of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, May 30, 2011. Susan Christopherson and Ned Rightor May 2011
Report prepared for the Southern Tier Central Regional Planning and Development Board with support from the Appalachian Regional Commission. Andrew Rumbach July 2011
Eight Policy Briefs Summarizing Our Marcellus Research on Socio-Economic Issues Christopherson, Susan et al. 2011. CaRDI Reports Issue 14, The Economic Consequences of Shale Gas Extraction: Key Issues (September). Ithaca NY: Cornell University Community and Regional Development Institute. Susan Christopherson, Ned Rightor, David Kay, Susan Riha, Brian Rahm, Andrew Rumbach, Jeffrey Jacquet, Amanda Wilson, Lydia Morken, C.J. Randall, and Sara Lepori September 2011
Christopherson, Susan and Ned Rightor. 2012. "How Shale Gas Extraction Affects Drilling Localities: Lessons for Regional and City Policy Makers." Journal of Town & City Management Vol. 2, No. 4 (March-May). London: Henry Stewart Publications. Susan Christopherson and Ned Rightor December 2011
Crude Oil Transport Issues
Christopherson, Susan. 2014. Are We Prepared for "Pipelines on Rails"?: Oil Transport Risks and Policy Challenges. Policy brief. CaRDI Research and Policy Brief Series, Issue 58 (February). Ithaca NY: Cornell University Community and Regional Development Institute. Susan Christopherson February 2014
Christopherson, Susan and Kushan Dave. 2015. Crude Oil Transport: Risks and Impacts. Great Lakes Commission Issue Brief 3 (February 20) Susan Christopherson and Kushan Dave February 2015
Report prepared for the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Hudson River Estuary program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Susan Christopherson and Irene Hung May 2015
Jobs Predictions and Jobs Reality
Working Paper Series: A Comprehensive Economic Impact Analysis of Natural Gas Extraction in the Marcellus Shale Jeffrey Jacquet February 2011
Working Paper Series: A Comprehensive Economic Impact Analysis of Natural Gas Extraction in the Marcellus Shale David Kay April 2011
Online essay in The Conversation, January 27, 2015 Susan Christopherson January 2015
How Communities Are Responding
West, David, T. Knipe and S. Christopherson. 2012. "Frack or Bust: Shale Gas Extraction Brings Local Planning Challenges." Planning (The Magazine of the American Planning Association) Vol. 78, No. 4 (April): 8-13. David West, Thomas Knipe, and Susan Christopherson April 2012
Policy Brief Christopherson, Susan, C. Frickey, and N. Rightor. 2013. A Vote of No Confidence: Why Local Governments Take Action in Response to Shale Gas Development. Policy brief. CaRDI Research and Policy Brief Series, Issue 54 (June). Ithaca NY: Cornell University Community and Regional Development Institute. Susan Christopherson, Clay Frickey, and Ned Rightor June 2013
Report Christopherson, Susan, C. Frickey, and N. Rightor. 2013. A Vote of No Confidence: Why Local Governments Take Action in Response to Shale Gas Development. Report in the CRP Working Paper Series. Ithaca NY: Cornell University Department of City and Regional Planning (June). Susan Christopherson, Clay Frickey, and Ned Rightor June 2013
Policy Brief Christopherson, Susan and Ned Rightor. 2013. Confronting an Uncertain Future: How U.S. Communities are Responding to Shale Gas and Oil Development. National Agricultural & Rural Development Policy Center (NARDeP) Policy Brief 18 (November). Susan Christopherson and Ned Rightor November 2013
Christopherson, Susan and Ned Rightor. 2014. "NIMBYs or Concerned Citizens: Responding to Shale Oil and Gas Development." Progressive Planning No. 198 (Winter): 32-35. Susan Christopherson and Ned Rightor December 2013
Christopherson, Susan and Ned Rightor. 2015. "Confronting An Uncertain Future: How US Communities are Responding to Shale Gas and Oil Development." Book chapter in Our Energy Future: Socioeconomic Implications and Policy Options for Rural America, Don E. Albrecht, editor. Routledge Studies in Energy Policy series. Oxford, UK and New York: Routledge: 40-60. Susan Christopherson and Ned Rightor 2015